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Mana in the Modern World non illustrated version Page 2

  “Yes, this operation to free you has cost almost all our funds. Looks like it is time to maybe rob a bank or someplace with lots of cash,” says Jill. “I will help with that as we will need much more money to grow and defeat this ‘England’ that Bob seems to truly hate. In truth I feel the Mana is stronger again, things will be much easier now as I learned much while on the other side.” Jill looks like she wants to ask about ‘The Other World’ but quickly decides to keep mum for now.

  “We will do some smaller robberies to build up funds to get more and better weapons before anything large. This will also allow more time to acquaint myself with Bob’s memories of this time. What is this internet and adult sites I find plentiful in his memories?” asks NB.

  When the relief arrives the next morning the scene causes quite a stir. The old Sergeant loosely remembers fighting a masked raider and is sure he managed to knife him at least once. A faint trail of blood, not the sergeants, led from the tent to a larger blood pool and then to the Altar and where the bodies were burned. Forensic techs could not understand what could cause such a hot fire to actually burn the bodies, including the bones and blood on the ground, to ash.


  Twelve months before present time

  Williams, Arizona, USA

  Ty Heppner wanted to be out celebrating his 29th birthday today. But O no, here he was, stuck on the evening shift, at the convenience store and gas station, almost in the middle of Deadsville, Arizona. Besides he was broke, …again. “Hell of a way to spend my birthday. My head feeling full to bursting ain’t helping neither. Sure hope nothing was wrong with that weed I smoked like maybe it was laced with a bit of LSD. Gave me a good buzz tho. Maybe that is why out of the corner of my eyes I keep seeing small things moving. Spookier than shit too, stuff sometimes seeming to be moving toward me like that.”

  Ty starts getting really irritated thinking about the mess the last customer made and that he had to clean it up and for only slightly more than minimum wage! He begins muttering to himself, “I been here almost three years and had only two raises and those together amounted to only total 35 cents an hour! And today that idiot spilled two gallons of gas filling up a one gallon container! Then refuses to pay for what he spilled until the cop came by! People like that should be SHOT!”

  A sharp pain in his head almost dropped him to the floor as a loud ‘slap’ sounded behind him on the counter. Quickly spinning around he sees there no one is there! Not even in the store or outside. But there is a gun magazine on the counter. “What the fuck, over!” No cameras to check as the cheapskate owner only put in fakes. “Easy Ty, there has to be an explanation. Think man think.” Looking at the magazine with the pistol on the cover he continues, “I was pissed and thinking about shooting those kind of people. I was wanting a gun real bad and that pain in the head?”

  The pain was now fading, ‘I wonder’… he tried ‘wanting’, visualizing the girly magazine in the rack to be on the counter. Another sharp pain in the head and slap… the magazine appeared on the counter! Suddenly feeling very sick to his stomach and quite weak he set, almost collapsed, onto his stool. A customer came in a couple minutes later so, being there was only 45 minutes left on his shift, he decides to think about this more on this at home. Besides his head was hurting a lot worst.

  By shifts end Ty’s headache had receded to a fading dull throb. Once home he quickly found that the headaches got worse and he felt more tired when he did several ‘grabs’ close together. Finally he had to stop and rest as he was getting bad sick to his stomach. He crawled into bed and into an exhausted sleep.

  Next morning he called in sick and started experimenting again. After some time he realized that, as long as he could see the lite weight item, he could also visualize a place for the item to appear. The headaches were lessening and he still felt a small ‘jolt’ when the item transferred tho that seemed less painful also. So far the maximum distance was about 50 feet or so and the further away the item was the more the ‘jolt’ hurt and tired it made him.

  “OK Ty, time to try this out.” Going to a small local mall with a bank, he stands at the center counter where he can see inside the vault and some stacks of money. He focused on a single bundle of bills on top of a stack. Then he visualized it in the backpack he was wearing. A sharp pain and thump from the pack seemed to indicate success. Realizing he had better be elsewhere he grabs a couple of forms from the counter and heads for his truck, a bit tired but excited.

  Setting in his truck he looks in the backpack. “Eureka!” shouts Ty quickly glancing around to make sure he did not attract any attention. Inside the backpack is a ‘bundle’ of $50 bills, $5,000! Laughing’ Ty heads home to call the store owner and quit his shitty job and then to make plans for a brighter future!

  On second thought he makes a stop to get a bigger screen TV! Once the new TV is up and running he grabs the Williams phone book and turns to the yellow pages. ‘Might as well see if there are some topless clubs close by too! But it may probably be best if I go out of town or better yet out of the state to do any more takes from banks. Maybe Flagstaff or further east? Around here people might recognize me and start to wonder.’


  Flagstaff, Arizona

  Pinyin, setting at her desk in a small office, suddenly straightens up. It had been a long time since she had last felt that Mana energy spike, even feeble as it was. ‘Now, how to locate that person?’ thinks Pinyin. ‘He or she must be close by for me to feel it. Hmm, could be of help in my organization ….or maybe a excellent transfer sometime in the future. Might even be able to move up my timetable in buying up the rest of Little Cayman island in the Caymans. It is probably about time to visit my other island Bangalla too. The UN have finally recognized it as a separate country with full diplomatic rights. Maybe I will build a small embassy here and in England.

  Wait;… something seems to be happening to the Mana energy flow! Could it actually be increasing? Should I risk doing a stronger spell with stored Mana to check? Now which is safest and best to try? Nothing too potent and wasteful of the energy but what? Yes, a detection spell requires little energy and is prefect, especially as it should also indicate the current energy level.’ She tries the detect on the Artifact and finds it’s Mana is indeed stronger! “Yes, finally!” she exclaims.

  “Time to find an apprentice with the Mana returning. Once I find the spike person maybe he or she can take Wilma’s place. She does excellent work but I have about had enough of her trying to subvert some of my organization’s people to turn on me. So in time I will have her taken to my transfer room in the Utah compound and kept alive till needed. After the transfer then her body can be burned and dumped with the others! That compound has proved best for getting rid of them, profitable too tho the leader there is getting erratic. Now; how to locate the spike producer? He or she could make a better replacement leader for the Utah compound than take Wilma’s place; at least for now.”



  Previously the IFF had learned that an armored car frequently took old currency in for destruction after being exchanged for new. They also learned that the only copies, digital and print, of the old currency’s serial numbers will also be in the truck which, if destroyed, will make it impossible to spot the old currency being used once again.

  However it is always guarded by two vans equipped with extra Kevlar shielding and five CO19 personal in each. The IFF had thought that was too much to be able to handle. However NB saw no problem and demonstrated what a lightning bolt could do and made several members invisible. The invisibility would only last for about 15 minutes which would be sufficient to kill the troopers with minimum casualties to the IFF.

  The ambush spot chosen is six miles from the burn facility where the old currency was to be delivered for destruction. The IFF set small explosives to cause poles and trees to fall and block the convoy. The CO19 people in the vans would respond quickly, dismounting the vans with their practiced dispersal plan. In
cluded in the information the IFF had on the planned delivery were complete details on CO19’s planned response to any ambush.


  Armored Truck Heist

  The front van was to be cut down by two heavy machine guns firing armor piercing rounds before CO19 could exit. One gun covered the side, the other covered the rear in case someone managed to exit. Three more IFF members aimed AK47 fire at the driver and passenger guard to keep them occupied until the machine guns could be aimed at them if necessary.

  NB had already stepped into the street behind the fallen tree as the rear doors opened on the last van. The first CO19 trooper dropped down and hesitated on seeing a figure about twenty yards away waving his hands and shouting something. The second trooper had just completed his drop to the ground when a sizzling lightning bolt shot from the figure’s hands engulfing the van and occupants. Loud pops are heard from the fallen guards and inside the van as some ammunition cooked off.

  The masked IFF quickly surrounded the armored car and ordered the guards out. Having called in the ambush knowing help would soon arrive and being in a bullet proof vehicle the guards naturally refused. NB walked up to the driver’s window, waved and shouted for the IFF people on the opposite side to move aside.

  He then pointed his index finger at the window and spoke a series of short words releasing a thin green streak from the finger which pierced the window, driver, passenger seat guard and on out the far window. The streak faded in another 20 feet. NB then went to stand to the side of the rear door and saying a few short words with gestures producing a loud click from the door. The IFF members opened the door and ordered the frightened guard out to which the young man quickly complied.

  To further awe his men NB decided to give the scared guard a special treat so he had the men strip him of weapons and gear. NB smiled as he had always enjoyed performing the next spell he had learned in the other realm. He began chanting long phrases with meticulous hand movements with a final gesture the guard started glowing and screaming.

  The guard’s features and body started changing shape, becoming smaller and finally disappeared within the clothing. Movement in the clothing indicated something was alive in the clothing when suddenly a small piglet ran out and away squealing. The group of men were definitely in awe; but also greatly amused as the young English copper that is now an actual pig.

  About ten minutes later the faint sound of a helicopter was heard approaching at which the IFF members started to scatter only to be halted at a Command spell from NB. He called them back telling them to quickly drag over three or four bodies and hold guns in a threatening manner at the bodies as if they were alive. The chopper came in fast and low with a figure leaning out each side with weapons ready. Coming to a hover about 100 feet distance and height a loud voice calls out, “Put down your weapons, on your knees, hands on your head!”

  Looking over at his men NB asks, “Anyone know how to fly that thing?” The shaking of heads and no’s indicating not, NB says, “Pity, that might have been useful. Well perhaps in the future,” then he begins speaking gibberish with precise hand movements. He thrusts both his palms out toward the helicopter and releases an intense bolt of lightning which engulfs the entire machine which explodes and drops. Turning to his men Ty says, “Two of you go take care of any still alive. O’Hara, call the vehicles and get the money, discs and papers loaded.”

  A long fusillade of automatic gun fire it soon heard from the crash site.


  Armor car site about an hour later

  Arriving at the robbery site it was first thought only heavy machine guns were used and an RPG on the helicopter. However the forensic team were confident that the damage to the rear van and cops could only be caused by a large electrical discharge. The two paramedics said the people in the rear van, including the driver, were electrocuted and it had to be very high voltage and current to do that amount of damage. Especially as something also caused some of the ammunition to cook off. A quick search failed to turn up any evidence where the electricity could have originated. Neither the forensic techs or paramedic had the slightest idea what could cause the smooth half inch hole melted through the windows, driver and passenger. One thing noted was that the holes thru the guards appeared cauterized, as if done by a laser.

  Tho being one of the scoffers about ‘magic’, the lead inspector decided to ask IMS to fly someone out for a look. About 30 minutes later and to his amazement the two figures flew, actually FLEW, in soon after the request. Having heard about the inspector’s quite vocal opinion of the new IMS organization; and ‘Magic’ in general; the two figures, a male and female, landed lightly in front of the shocked man.

  “Inspector ….. ? I am IMS Agent Velma along with Agent Harold. I understand you requested IMS assistance? So, what’s the situation?” said Velma, the lead agent. “I I ah, yes I called,” replied the inspector clearing his throat with a polite cough behind his hand.

  He knew full well that she knew who he was and was pretending that she had no idea who he was and that he knew who she was. ‘E gads and little fishes!’ he thought to himself, ‘I will never live this down. Especially as she is young enough to be one of my daughters!’

  The smirk on her partner’s face and the grin on most of the other men’s faces showed this would indeed quickly spread. “Harrumph, ah yes, Agent Velma. Our forensic techs believe the rear van and the helicopter were both struck by a massive amount of electricity. However they have been unable to locate a strong enough source nearby to cause it,” replied the Inspector.

  Agent Velma walked toward the van while her even younger looking partner headed for the crash site. Following along the Inspector noticed the she appeared to be mouthing some strange words and was ‘shushed’ by her quickly upheld hand as he was about to speak. Then, holding her hand out palm forward, she walked around the van and then, from the van’s rear walked a straight line to the tree obstruction across the road. With a loud sigh she dropped her hand and turned to the Inspector and said, “My, my ...this was a very powerful Warlock to throw such a lightning bolt.”

  “A lightning bolt? Warlock? Are you joking?” asked the Inspector. Shaking her head Velma replied, “Absolutely no joke and very, very strong too. Not sure I could stand up to that kind of power alone and we call very mean or evil Mages Warlocks. Rather nasty people!”

  Walking back to the armored car she went to the driver’s side and held her palm toward the small hole through the armored glass and through both occupants out the other side. Her partner came up after checking the missing guards empty clothing and said, “Val, the guy that did the chopper is off the charts powerful and there is something strange about the clothing on the ground too. Yours too?” Agent Velma simply nods.

  Suddenly a loud squealing is heard and a very small piglet comes racing across the road up to Velma and starts rubbing against her pants leg as if it were a cat. Bending down she places a calming hand on the piglet and quickly jerks the hand back with a curse, “DAMN!” Wringing her hands says, “That Warlock is most definitely not a nice person.”

  The unhappy Inspector calls out, “Michael, you came from the country; get over here and do something with this pig!” The piglet starts loud squealing and runs around to the other side of Velma, shaking like a blowing leaf. Val holds up a hand and shouts, “Wait!” Squatting she looks directly into the piglet’s face and asks, “Can you understand me?” Piglet nods yes so vigorously he bounces up and down on his front feet causing him to plop down on its backside. Everyone are beginning to gather in a circle to watch.


  Picture here of piglet


  Inspector Johnson asks, “The pig understands you?” “Yes Inspector Johnson. What was the name of the inside guard?” “Ben; but it looks like he may have been in on the robbery.” The piglet almost goes crazy shaking it’s head and starts to run at the inspector only to be held back by Val. She turns the piglet toward her and asks, “Ben, can you still unde
rstand English?” Emphatic nods from the pig.

  “Agent Velma what is going on? That pig is acting as if it really understands you,” states Inspector Johnson. Nods are going around the circle of watchers. Lifting the piglet up Val states, “This is your missing man, Ben. A very powerful and cruel Warlock transformed, also called being morphed, him into a pig and we must try to undo the spell on him while he retains his human mind.

  Harold, pop to headquarters and bring back at least five others if available. I think that Warlock was so strong it will take more than just the two of us. Use the helo area for the return.” Without a word Harold disappears with a loud ‘pop’, causing SWAT to go for their weapons. “WOWs” are heard from many mouths. Looking at the piglet in the eyes she says, “Help is on the way Ben. Just concentrate on remembering various memories to keep your mind active as a human.”

  About ten minutes later a loud explosion is heard from the helicopter site again causing the troopers to spin and drop to a knee with weapons presented. “Whoa guys!” shouts Velma, “That’s just more IMS Agents coming to hopefully restore Ben to human form. More agents tend to make a louder noise.”

  Once the other agents, eight in total, walk over they gather around Ben and Val tells him she does not know if this will hurt but for him to be very still regardless. Ben nods and gives a pigs version of a grin. In sync all the agents hold their palms toward Ben and speak a fairly short phrase in Chinese. A greenish glow starts developing around Ben and a loud hum is heard, suddenly one of the agents collapses, and then another.

  The glow vanishes, the agents drop their arms and several set and then lay back flat, sweating and breathing heavily. “My word,” says one of those laying on the ground. Then he mutters, with a hint of Dixie and clearly fake British accent, “Sticky wicket, what?” Everyone in the group, including Val and Harold, start laughing along with some of the CO19 people. There in the center of the circle now lays Ben in all his naked glory; slumbering and starting to snore! Totally oblivious to the hovering paramedics.